Initiate a request by clicking on the “Initiate Request” icon to the right.
Berkeley Lab’s Visa and Immigration Services office provides extensive visa and immigration services to over 1,800 international visitors and employees, representing over 80 countries around the globe.
Our office helps facilitate the visa process for employees and affiliates, and provides expert advice to foreign nationals, division management, and HR partners. We assist with preparing documents necessary to gain and maintain legal status in the U.S., including nonimmigrant and permanent residency status; serve as a resource on immigration issues and concerns; liaison with the many U.S. federal agencies involved in immigration processes; partner with Laboratory Counsel; and consult with external legal counsel on complex immigration issues.
We are here to answer your questions and provide you with outstanding support and guidance to make immigration a positive experience for all. Please select from the Quick Link options on the right for assistance with your visa-related issue.
IRSO has initiated a means for you to confidentially indicate when you will be traveling internationally, whether for business or pleasure. We request that you utilize this form EVERY time you exit the US so that we can assist you if you, if you should need, while abroad. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about the form. You are ALWAYS to inform IRSO of your travels as far in advance of your departure date abroad so that we can provide any advice you may need to ensure compliance with all regulations.
Contact Us
For assistance, feedback or questions email us or call (510) 486-4774 and a Visa and Immigration Services Advisor will do all we can to respond to your question within one business day.
Tamar Vered, Visa and Immigration Manager
All AFFILIATE Visa Processing Inquiries should be addressed to Tamar Vered 90 – 1088/510-486-4774
Hunter Paul, Advisor | Larry Guo, Advisor |
ASSIGNED DIVISIONS: Physical Sciences:
Computing Sciences:
Operations/Laboratory Directorate:
ASSIGNED DIVISIONS: Earth & Environmental Sciences:
Energy Sciences:
Energy Technologies Area (ETA):